
Kobin Is Underpaid

On July 11, Calendar published two letters questioning the salary of KCET President and General Manager William H. Kobin (“How Much Does KCET’s Kobin Donate to KCET?”). Apparently, there are members of the public who are not aware of executive compensation in Kobin’s line of work or the experience and talent that are necessary to qualify for such a position.

Kobin is not overpaid. As a matter of fact, he is underpaid. If he had a comparable position with one of the major commercial broadcasting companies in a major market, he would probably command a salary two to three times higher. Further, he would enjoy certain retirement, profit-sharing and other benefits not available in his present job.

Ten years ago, Kobin was hired by KCET, and he had the challenge of turning around a poorly managed station, including a huge deficit. Kobin overcame those obstacles and has done a great job.


Kobin has more than 30 years’ experience. He is one of the most able and talented managers in his field. He deserves the unqualified support of the community.



Fox has been chairman of the Southern California Broadcasters Assn. and an officer and executive committee member of the National Assn. of Broadcasters.
