

It’s a tall task suppying the city with electricity, telephone service and cable TV. Here’s the lowdown on what it takes to keep L. A. wired:

* Number of wooden electric/telephone poles in the City of Los Angeles: 289,000.

* Estimated number of poles used for other purposes, including cable TV: 5,000-7,000.

* Ratio of power poles to households: 1 to 4.

* Ratio of power poles to trees: 1 to 12.

* Miles of electrical wire strung on poles: 24,826.

* Miles of aerial telephone cable wired by Pacific Bell in L. A. County: 9,680.

* Average height of poles: 55 feet.

* Average weight of a pole: 1,540 pounds.

* Average cost, not including installation: $292.

* Approximate lifespan of a pole: 50 years.

* Leading causes of damage to poles: insects, birds, fungi and cars.

* Number of handbills and paper notices the Department of Street Maintenance removed from poles last year: 40,000.

* Maximum penalty for illegally posting handbills or notices on poles: Six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.


* Number of posting citations issued last year: 139.
