
Malibu : City Hall Sites Studied

The City Council is planning to move City Hall.

City Manager Raymond Taylor said that council members will consider four new sites at their Dec. 14 meeting and that “it is not very likely” the current rented quarters in the Civic Center area will be in the running.

The new sites include two in the Civic Center: the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department station, which is being used less since the Lost Hills station opened, and the CenFed Bank branch that will be vacated soon.

Also being considered are two in the Point Dume area farther west: the new Pavilion building on Heathercliff Road and a commercial building at Portshead Road and Pacific Coast Highway.


The current lease, which is in the third of five years and can be ended with 90 days’ notice, is being terminated primarily because of cost, Taylor said, especially for additional space that may be needed.

Taylor said space in all the buildings being considered could be leased for less than the $2.50 per square foot the city pays for 2,500 square feet in its Civic Center quarters. The city is seeking up to 5,000 square feet, he said.

City services should not be disrupted, he said, indicating that city offices are closed Fridays and that the move can be made on a weekend.
