
Students Can Apply for Magnet Programs

The Los Angeles Unified School District is accepting applications from students interested in enrolling in one of its 105 magnet programs.

The district’s magnet centers and schools are voluntary integration programs that offer emphasis in such areas as math, computer science, medicine, performing arts and business.

Some magnet programs emphasize alternative teaching approaches; others serve students identified as especially gifted or talented. Students living anywhere in the district may apply.


District officials estimate that they will have about 35,000 applications for 10,000 openings at magnet schools and centers. Priority will be given to students who completed the sixth or ninth grade in magnet programs, as well as to those who are currently enrolled in schools that are crowded or whose student populations are more than 70% minority.

Preference will also be given to students with brothers or sisters currently enrolled in the same magnet program.

The deadline for signing up is March 19.
