
The Region : Aid for Storm Victims

County residents who suffered damage to homes or businesses or lost jobs because of recent winter storms can apply for state and federal assistance at a center in Arcadia.

The Arcadia Disaster Application Center, in the Arcadia Community Regional Park Seniors Community Center at 405 S. Santa Anita Ave., will be open daily, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., through March 6.

Applicants may call this toll-free number: (800) 462-9029.

Oscar Brooks of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said anyone affected by the storms, whether they own a home, rent, own a business, lost a job because of the situation or had property damage, can apply for assistance.


“Whether they are insured or uninsured doesn’t matter,” Brooks said. Grants of up to $11,900 for individuals and families are available.
