
Nannyā€™s Schedule Is Just Like Momā€™s

I could relate to Maria Hanhela, the nanny in the article on child care (ā€œFor One Nanny, The Day Is Long and Exhausting,ā€ Feb. 17).

My day begins at 7 a.m. with a 5-year-old and 1-year-old. After fixing breakfast, I take the 5-year-old to preschool with the 1-year-old in tow. Then come endless errands.

Mariaā€™s days and mine are very similar, although mine typically donā€™t end until 9 p.m. when the children go to bed; and I perform the cleaning and laundry chores since this household doesnā€™t have a housecleaner.


Iā€™m a mom. Donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€™m not complaining. I love being able to stay home with my children. What I donā€™t like is the reputation stay at-home moms have about how easy they have it because they didnā€™t work outside the home. Itā€™s time peopleā€™s minds were changed about the importance of nurturing and caring for children.


