
Countywide : Meeting Today on AIDS Walk

AIDS Care, a nonprofit agency that helps people with AIDS or who have tested positive for HIV, has scheduled a meeting today for anyone interested in helping the organization with its upcoming annual AIDS walk.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the AIDS Care office, 121 N. Fir St., Suite A, in Ventura.

“Volunteers are the heart and soul of our agency, and we’re going to need help from at least 80 people to set up and operate this year’s walk,” said AIDS Care Executive Director Edie Brown.


The walk, which is actually a 6.2-mile run or walk, will be held April 4 at San Buenaventura State Beach in Ventura. The run begins at 8:30 a.m., and the walk is scheduled for 10 a.m.

Walkers will collect pledges to benefit AIDS Care for each kilometer of the 10K distance they walk. Runners will pay an entrance fee and may also collect pledges.
