
Don’t Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Regarding Bruce Horovitz’s “Marketing” column, “A Major League Slump” (March 16), Major League Baseball pays out tidy sums to ad agencies and public relations firms only to learn that fan disenchantment is the leading cause of falling attendance? Who could have known!

But even with such wisdom in mind, owners and clubs still feel they can pitch around unhappy fans with clever slogans and promotional stunts.

Major League Baseball believes the problem is one of image. But the dollars charged for tickets, refreshments and merchandise are hardly imaginary--not for most working stiffs. What is imaginary is the entertainment value of the game today.


But why waste money on high-priced consultants? Baseball needs only to heed the words of one of its more articulate and enlightened legends. As Yogi Berra once said: “If people don’t want to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s going to stop them.”


Van Nuys
