
News Bites : Why Is This Frozen Food Different From All Other Frozen Foods I

The Complete Passover Seder Plate, produced by Kineret Foods, consists of an Israeli-designed plate accompanied by the necessary foods for a Seder, from roasted egg to charoset , frozen in cups. At supermarkets and kosher stores.

Why Is This Frozen Food Different From All Other Frozen Foods II

Why Is This Frozen Food Different From All Other Frozen Foods I

Is pasta kosher for Passover? The question has been asked since the 5th Century, and the answer has always been that it isn’t. But the Rokeach Co. has developed a variety that is: Mother’s Choice Pasta l’Pesach, a frozen product made from matzo meal, eggs, potato starch and oil. You thaw it at room temperature for one hour, then loosen the strands one by one and boil them three minutes. At kosher stores.

The Skate Drain

Ray, otherwise known as skate--the harmless but creepy-looking fish that resembles a big swimming bat--is abundant in American waters, but we eat only 5% of our own catch. The rest goes to Europe, mostly France.
