
Taxation Burden of Americans

In response to “America’s Burden Today Is Taxation Because of Representation,” Commentary, April 14:

Bravo to George Marotta! It is refreshing to hear someone telling us the truth. I have one thing to add. The reason taxes are so high is a simple matter of power. The more money that the politicians can wrest from us and put under their own control, the more power they have. Furthermore, as we have less money to save and plan for ourselves, the more dependent we become on them. Again, more power.

If working people were once again able to keep what they earned, think of the boost to the economy. Not to mention, the worthy and effective charities would find their donations increasing as voluntary charitable contributions replaced the forced charity that everyone who earns a living pays. We have thrown billions of government money at poverty and we end up with a more hopeless, oppressed inner city. It’s time for another way!



