
MOORPARK : District Considers Efficiency Reward

Moorpark Unified School District employees who find ways to increase the district’s efficiency would be given 10% of the money they save as a reward, under a proposal that the Board of Education will consider Tuesday.

Board member Clint Harper devised the plan, which he said could result in substantial savings to the district while increasing worker morale and incentive.

“It obviously is intended to reward excellent performance, particularly in the area of cost containment,” Harper said. “We can always give people plaques and commendation letters for doing wonderful things, but nothing says thank you like a check.”


The board will consider the plan at its regular bimonthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Moorpark Community Center. Board member Tom Baldwin said the proposal had merit.

“It sounds like a really good idea to me,” he said. “It allows the district to save money and at the same time offer employees an incentive to help us do that.”

Harper’s plan would include the formation of a screening committee, which would be responsible for distinguishing between innovative cost-cutting suggestions and normal duties of an employee.
