
A Common Language vs. ‘English-Only’

I personally use several languages and find the “English-only” concept absurd (“Talk of the Town,” April 18). I support a common language among America’s diverse language groups; at the same time I oppose restrictions on my personal language use.

English only is the propaganda term used by groups which oppose maintaining a shared, common language among our diverse ethnic groups. They say English only to imply that other languages will be eradicated and to deflect scrutiny of their agenda.

U.S. English Inc. is a multiethnic group seeking to ensure that all Americans can communicate with one another; but our shared language should not be our only language. The term English only makes good propaganda but it’s far from objective reporting when used to misconstrue the works of people who promote and use several languages--in addition to our common language.

We believe that multilingual individuals are an asset to the nation. But multi-language governing is a formula for budget woes and societal discord. If we teach Americans several languages--and preserve a common language--we can avoid watching California follow the path of Czechoslovakia, Bosnia, Belgium, Canada and Cyprus, to name a few.


A common language among many ethnic languages, yes. English only, no.


U.S. English Inc., Washington
