
First Amendment Protects Rights of Abortion Protesters

Re: Metro Section 5/23/93

“Harman Meets With Leaders”

I fear that Congresswoman Jane Harman might attempt to introduce legislation designed to end Operation Rescue’s protests of doctors’ offices and homes.

Any law of this sort would jeopardize the protesters’ 1st Amendment right to free speech.

It should not surprise the 10 Palos Verdes doctors that they are being protested. Any doctor doing a controversial--even though perfectly legal--procedure should expect opposition. Just ask the doctors at Loma Linda who offended animal rights proponents and ethicists with their baboon heart transplants.

The key is to enforce existing laws.

If the doctor or his family or property is threatened, immediate legal responses must take place.


What we must guard against is the temptation to pass laws specifically designed to restrict “politically incorrect” groups. The 1st Amendment protects all views including (and especially) those not popular this year.


