
MOORPARK : School Board-Council Committee Considered

The Moorpark City Council on Wednesday will consider lending its support to a proposed committee of council and school board members that would aim to improve relations between the two groups through ongoing communication.

School board member Clint Harper pitched the idea months ago as a way to smooth often rocky relations between the two agencies, and the school board has given its unanimous approval to the idea.

“It just seems that in most cities, especially small towns like Moorpark, the two governing agencies tend to not get along well,” school board member Tom Baldwin said. “And that’s a shame, too, because we serve the same constituents and we can do our jobs much better if we get along and work together.”


Councilman Bernardo Perez supports the idea.

“I think we’ve got to get back to the personal relationships that many of us have enjoyed and developed over the years,” Perez said. “Because we represent different organizations doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good working relationship. I think that without the constant communication, we have both suffered from letting provincial or protective attitudes get in the way.”

The council will consider the matter at its regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 799 Moorpark Ave.
