
Voucher Plan’s Fairness to Public Schools Questioned

I must respond to the letter of Sept. 25 by Father Peter A. O’Reilly concerning school vouchers. He considers vouchers to Catholic schools fair (because) many parents he knows with children in private Catholic schools (believe that) they “pay twice.”

If we take their logic and make things really fair, then those of us without (children) should not have to pay at all. Those with large families should have to pay more per (child), rather than get tax write-offs for their offspring. After all, those with more (children) are getting an unfair advantage. I would venture to guess that Catholic families would bear a larger than average burden of this financial plan.

I wish religious people, especially clergy, would be honest enough to admit that the voucher plan is self-serving, and that they are willing to sacrifice public education for their own personal gain.



