
The Fans Are Excited About Dodgers’ Trade

Fred Claire has done it again. He has traded away another young pitcher. Haven’t the trades of Juan Guzman, John Wetteland, Tim Belcher and Tim Leary taught him anything? At least this time we got a healthy player in return (I hope).

The Braves have proven that pitching is what wins the division (title). But I guess Fred will sign another .500 pitcher like Candiotti or Kevin Gross and that will salvage this deal. Not!


Corona del Mar


Things Fred Claire would like me to believe:

--Todd Worrell is healthy.

--Darryl Strawberry is mature.

--Jody Reed and Pedro Martinez are expendable.

--The Emperor is wearing clothes.

Does Fred really think I neglected to read the sports section all last season?


Los Angeles

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