
Tales of Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman was indeed sensational in “EH?” (at the Circle in the Square), but his wasn’t a one-man show (Letters, March 6).

Elizabeth Wilson, Dana Elcar and others constituted a great cast in Henry Livings’ bizarre play. I can’t remember who it was who dragged me through a January, 1967, snowstorm down to the Village to see it, but trust me, I’ll never forget Hoffman’s crawling around the boiler room with psychedelic mushrooms growing abundantly all over the set.

(Need I say I made tracks to see “The Graduate” later that year--and felt very smug having discovered this great actor before any of my West Coast friends.)



KNX Radio

Los Angeles


You are wrong, Academy Award breath. Before “Midnight Cowboy,” before even “The Graduate,” Dustin Hoffman starred in a film shot in Madrid titled “Madigan’s Millions.” Must have been 1966.

It was produced, and more or less directed, by Sidney Pink. We think it was eventually peddled to Westinghouse Films and perhaps saw the light of a projector somewhere in the United States for a couple of weeks at least. When “Madigan’s Millions” (script co-written by the late, great Jim Henaghan) was finished, Hoffman left for the States, “The Graduate” and history.

If you don’t believe us, ask Dustin. At least he got paid.

But we were there too.



Los Angeles
