
The Troubles of Day Laborers

I found it absurd that Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke sees legislation as the only alternative to the problems of day laborers loitering and soliciting work in Ladera Heights (“Toil and Trouble,” Feb. 27).

The simplest, most cost-effective way to please both residents and day laborers is to create an agency similar to a temporary agency. The money to start this up would have to come from the state and the day laborers.

The day laborers could check in at the agency to see if there is any work. Some day laborers would handle phones, coordinating workers with jobs, and compiling work history records for the employees--many of whom have worked years but have no resumes. A solid work record is essential for a good-paying, enduring job, which is all that most day laborers are seeking.


Another plus in forming an agency would be the collection of income taxes, which most day laborers do not pay.


Los Angeles


I think it is horrible that we take care of illegal aliens better than we do citizens. Maybe we should go to Mexico and stand on the corner and get a job.


Southwest Los Angeles


The day laborer represents hope.

In a city torn by problems, we welcome the sight of individuals beginning their day by riding or walking from distances that are unreal to many affluent Americans. These are the men and women who work for minimum wages to provide the bread and butter for their families.


Would you rather see more guns pointed for your purses, or a working person earning his or her means?


