
Defending Growth

As an Oxnard Plain resident, I feel I must respond to the comments of Ken Shelton Jr. of Ojai (Letters, March 1).

Mr. Shelton is proud of Ojai’s effort to derail the Weldon Canyon landfill, while rebuking Oxnard for its pro-development policies. But he probably thinks nothing of his weekly trip to the end of the driveway to deposit 70 gallons of trash--trash that will end up on the Oxnard Plain in the Bailard dump.

The Servant Sisters of Mary will no doubt thank Ojai residents for their contribution (for Ojaians surely will say that their trash stinks sweeter than ours).


Perhaps it is true that Oxnard is a bit overzealous in its development of farmland, but the daily traffic jams along California 33 show how much Ojai depends on that development for its daily bread.

As for the radar tower on Sulphur Mountain, local residents probably get more radiation from the channeling crystals hanging around their necks than from the National Weather Service.


Port Hueneme
