
RV Park, Police

The citizens of Port Hueneme recently received a letter from Citizens to Protect Port Hueneme’s Future. Part of the letter says that unless we pull together to support the RV park, the city will not be able to fund the Police Department.

But the RV park’s proposed income and the Police Department funding are two totally different issues. The city has plans to put police funding to a vote on an upcoming ballot, whether the RV park is approved or not. The city has never stated that any income from the RV park would fund the Police Department. And don’t you think that up to 100 RVs in our community on a daily basis might mean an increase in police costs, or a decrease in protection per capita?

The letter says that NIMBYs (Not in My Back Yard) are strangling the city’s ability to flourish. The only thing strangling this city is the propaganda-pushing, bad-business managing, tax-wasting members of our City Council. This same City Council insisted that the cultural center could be profitable and pushed for it to be built. Well, it’s been closed nearly a year after running in the red for years. Now it stands there empty and useless, and obviously not bringing in the big bucks the council promised.


And this same City Council has invested more than $1 million and four years trying to push this RV park on one of the nicest beaches in the county.


Port Hueneme
