
WESTMINSTER : Relocation Requires Trustee Resignation

Ron Morgan, a member of the Westminster School District Board of Trustees, has announced his intention to resign effective July 31.

At the board’s regular meeting Thursday, Morgan, 41, tearfully praised the district as a superb educational environment but said that his family’s planned move out of the district next week required that he give up his office.

“We just need a bigger home. We have five kids and they need a place to spread out,” Morgan said of his move to Villa Park.


Morgan, who has served on the board for five years, said that unless escrow problems complicate the move, he will turn in his resignation letter within the next few days.

Speaking during his last meeting as a trustee, Morgan repeatedly praised the district for its employees’ commitment to children, its parents’ involvement and the board’s willingness to make tough decisions.

“It has been an absolute honor, a great delight” to serve on the board, he said.

Morgan was originally appointed to the board in 1989 and was elected to office the following year.


Because fewer than four months remain until the next election, the board is not required to fill the vacancy and does not plan to do so, district spokeswoman Audrey Brown said.
