
WOODLAND HILLS : Monte Carlo Night to Benefit City of Hope

The Gift of Life chapter of the City of Hope National Medical Center will sponsor a Monte Carlo night at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, at Temple Aliyah, Woodland Hills.

The event will include a silent auction and drawing for a grand prize cruise for two to Mexico, courtesy of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

The City of Hope National Medical Center and its Beckman Research Institute in Duarte is known for its work against leukemia and other forms of cancer, diabetes and Tourette’s syndrome. While more than 90% of all City of Hope patients are treated for cancer, research is also under way to address Alzheimer’s, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and genetic disorders.


Advance tickets are $25 per person. For information, call (818) 996-0079.
