
BUSINESS : Firm to Oversee Naval Base Closure

The U.S. Navy has awarded a $21.8-million job to FSEC Inc. of Pasadena for the relocation of the Naval Air Warfare Center in Pennsylvania to the Naval Air Warfare Center in Maryland.

The Pasadena firm will supervise the consolidation of the two bases according to the cost reduction requirements of the Base Realignment and Closure Act.

The company will move a small staff of managers to the East Coast to supervise the transition and will hire employees there to perform the work. Although the firm’s Pasadena staff will participate in the work, no new employees are expected to be hired locally, FSEC engineer Jim Hannon said.


The Pennsylvania base will be closed in phases, and FSEC will receive payment in phases from the $21.8-million pool. The final award could be more or less than that amount, Hannon said. The project is expected to be completed in March, 1997.
