
THE REGION : Asian-Language Cards on Prop. 187 Offered

Pocket-size Proposition 187 information cards are available in Asian and Southeast Asian languages.

To alleviate fears about the loss of government services, East/West Community Partnership, a nonprofit organization, has developed wallet-size cards in Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Cambodian, among other languages. If the measure is upheld in the courts, it would bar illegal immigrants from receiving education and non-emeregency health benefits.

“Oftentimes, individuals in Asian and Southeast Asian communities do not get the information they need because of language barriers. We want to assure non-English-speaking immigrants that they have certain civil and legal rights to services despite the passage of Proposition 187,” said Allison Tom, project director for the group.


The cards include telephone numbers of legal, health care and social service agencies that will offer the latest information on Proposition 187.

The agencies will assist individuals who have experienced abuse, discrimination and harassment related to anti-immigrant bias.

For more information or to receive the cards, call Rhonda Ramiro at the East/West Community Partnership at (213) 625-7705.
