
Convicted Tagger Arrested After New Spree Is Alleged

A 16-year-old convicted graffiti vandal, free on probation, was rearrested by a police graffiti task force that discovered he was still active with a new “tag,” authorities said Tuesday.

The juvenile was arrested last week for violating the terms of his probation and was sent to a youth detention camp, authorities said.

During a search of the youth’s home, Community Tagger Task Force members found marijuana, pornographic videos and handwritten lists of tagged locations, according to Officer Jerry Beck of the Los Angeles Police Department.


In 1993, the boy, who lives with his mother and grandparents, was convicted of felony vandalism involving more than $40,000 in damage with six other youths. His mother was also arrested, along with his elderly grandparents, on suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of minors in that crime, Beck said.

The youth admitted to those charges and was placed on home probation because he had no previous record of vandalism, Beck said. The adults were referred to the city attorney’s parenting program, he added.

The youth has adopted a new “tag,” but the name was traced to him, police said. The task force is following up on the locations listed in the youth’s note and will ask for additional vandalism charges against him as the damage is tallied up. Additional charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor are being considered against the mother and grandparents, Beck said.
