
OXNARD : Sunday Festival Set at Del Sol Park

Music, dancing and food will be the staples of a Sunday festival free of alcohol, drugs and tobacco at Del Sol Park in Oxnard.

A children’s parade--the theme of which will be spring--will open the daylong event at 11 a.m. starting at Cesar Chavez School and ending at Del Sol Park, said Noelia Chavez, one of the event’s organizers.

“The whole idea is basically to organize community family events right within the neighborhood of the Colonia area,” she said.


Music is planned throughout the day. Ballet Folklorica Regional, Mariachi Alma de Mexico and Enrique Franco, a Mexican singer and composer, are scheduled to perform.

Chavez said last year’s event drew more than 8,000 people and only about 10 of them had to be asked to pour out beers or crush out cigarettes.

Booths are available for local merchants, and any profits from their sale will be used to establish a college scholarship fund for area youth, Chavez said.


The Colonia Coalition on Alcohol and other Drug Issues is sponsoring the event with the help of other community service organizations and law enforcement agencies.
