
Unocal Move Would Bolster Oppression

The article “Feeling the Heat” (Feb. 20), in which Unocal President John F. Imle Jr. promised A) a healthy return to the shareholders and B) a better life for Myanmar, sounds highly intriguing. In one earlier interview, Mr. Imle said Unocal’s partnership venture with SLORC (dictatorship regime since 1962 coup in Burma) would promote democracy.

Burma maintained a high literacy standard (85% literate) and an economically well-to-do status in Asia throughout its history. The same regime toyed with the Burmese-way-to-socialism program and led the country to economic ruin in 25 years. The regime cheated the United Nations by portraying Burma as economically backward and illiterate. The U.N. complied with the request and granted Burma least-developed country status on Aug. 16, 1987. After brutally suppressing public dissidence in 1988 (more than 10,000 were killed) and ignoring the result of a free and open multiparty election held in 1990 in which the National League for Democracy won by a wide margin (85%-plus), the same regime, in collusion with China, purchased over $1 billion worth of military armor and hardware, a clear proof that the ruling party is interested only in perpetuating the law of the jungle in Burma.

Whether one wants to admit it or not, all the ex-colonies in Asia gained freedom in the post-World War II period as a result of the sacrifice in lives made by the United States in the last war to successfully smash imperialist Japan. The American soldiers gave their lives definitely not to promote dictatorship regimes, but to see freedom under democracy established. They did not die in vain.


The international corporations and foreign firms entering into joint venture deals with the ruling party to exploit Burma’s natural resources would amount to bracing the regime in prolonging its hold on the jungle law in our country. Such deeds would amount to committing crime against humanity.


