
County Property Tax Deadline Looms

Ventura County property owners have until Monday night to pay the final installment of their 1994-95 property taxes before they get socked with a penalty and late fee.

Treasurer-Tax Collector Harold S. Pittman said payments are coming in more slowly this year and urged the county’s 223,046 property owners to make sure their second installment is in the mail and postmarked by midnight Monday.

“Our concern is that they have tucked that bill away in a drawer and forgotten about it,” Pittman said. “The mail is running a little slow. We are hoping that is not an indicator that people are not going to pay or wait until Monday and all show up together.”


Pittman said using the mail is the most efficient way to pay property taxes. But his office in the County Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Ave. in Ventura, will accept payments during regular working hours through Monday. The office is closed Fridays.
