
Graphic Arts Classes

* There is a grave problem in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Vocational training in the sciences and trades has been severely curtailed. Whereas in the past there has been school training for such careers in graphic arts, metal shops and wood shop, nowadays budget reform has restricted much of these activities.

The problem I am concerned about is the lack of funding for graphic arts in the schools. Studies have been made by such people as Harvey R. Levenson, of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo that growth in the graphic arts industry is tremendous. No longer is graphic arts just a “printing business.” With the development of advanced computer graphics and optical camera scanning involving the use of light-sensitive devices to acquire information for computers, the graphic arts industry is embarked on a continual expansion. Yet, in the Los Angeles Unified School District it is being cut more and more, resulting in a void for training future employees in this field. The school board often boasts of its desire to improve vocational skills, yet removes the finances necessary to fund the programs.


San Gabriel
