
Soka Gakkai

The mention of the Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai in “Japan Sects Offer Personal Path in Rudderless Society” (March 26) gives a sketchy and unfair picture of a movement devoted to the happiness of individuals and a peaceful world. The reason that Soka Gakkai (Society for the Creation of Value) has become “entrenched and powerful” is because it offers people a sound philosophy along with a religious practice for developing their lives in a healthy way. On a societal level, Soka Gakkai promotes peace, culture and education for the purpose of raising the human condition and providing common ground where all people can engage in dialogue and work together toward a better world.

The Soka Gakkai and its international component, SGI, have been officially registered as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with various U.N. institutions since the early 1980s. We have developed various exhibitions on peace, human rights and the environment in cooperation with the U.N.

SGI President Dalsaku Ikeda founded the Soka school system (Soka University is one of the most respected colleges in Japan), the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum (a successful exhibition is running at the Inter-American Development Bank In Washington), the Fuji Art Museum, the Min-On Concert Assn. and the Institute of Oriental Philosophy.


To mention us in the context of the recent nerve-gas attack in Japan without mentioning our positive contributions to society does a disservice to our 12 million members and many friends around the world.


Director of Public Relations, SGI-USA
