
Wild About Walruses

The article about Round Island, Alaska (“Wallowing in Walruses,” March 12) was informative. We were unable to go there last year and instead got permission from U.S. Fish and Wildlife in Anchorage and Dillingham to see the Pacific walruses at Cape Pierce, which is about 50 miles west of Round Island. We used a charter flight, Tikchik Airventures, P.O. Box 71, Dillingham, AK 99576, (907) 842-5841. The cost is $1,650 for the plane that seats four passengers with gear, or six for a day trip.

There is a four-mile hike with all your supplies (tent, food, etc.) from the landing spot to the sand dunes at Cape Pierce. Weather can be a problem for pick-up and delivery by plane, so plan on a flexible schedule. Visitors might have to overnight in Dillingham. We were alone with two Fish and Wildlife personnel and 2,000 plus male walruses. This was truly a great arctic wildlife experience.


Alta Loma
