
TERROR IN OKLAHOMA CITY : Terror Indictments

Number of persons indicted for terrorism and related activities, by name and type of group, in the 1980s: Right Wing:

Aryan Nations: 3 Arizona Patriots: 10 Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord: 17 Ku Klux Klan: 1 The Order: 28 The Order II: 5 Sheriff’s Posse Commitatus: 4 White Patriot Party: 7 * Left Wing: The El Rukns: 7 The Macheteros: 19 FALN: 5 May 19 Communist Organization: 7 United Freedom Front: 8 New African Freedom Front: 9 Provisional Party of Communists: 1 * Single-Issue: EMETIC: 5 Affiliation Unknown: 3 * International: Japanese Red Army: 1 Provisional Irish Republican Army: 16 Omega 7: 4 Libyans: 7 Palestinian/Syrian: 4

Terrorist Group Profiles Hamas: An unusually-well run terrorist group--rooted in a solid political base among young Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Noted for strict discipline and security, goal is to rderail Israel-PLO peace agreement.


Hezbollah: Ireanian-backed radical Shiite Islamic group. Most active in Mideast. May be related to Islamic Jihad, group believed to be made up of Iranian extremists. Responsible for attacks on U.S. Embassy and Marines in 1983.

Abu Nidal: Known as Fatah Revolutionary Council in the Mideast and headed by terrorist Abu Nidal. Since 1970, linked to terrorist attacks in 20 countries.
