
Help for Those Caught in Wake of War

The very poignant article, “Wounded by War--and Peace” (April 14), about Vietnam veterans who were released from Vietnam prisons and subsequently immigrated to Orange County appeared in Section A.

These men in their 50s have no skills, no jobs and no prospects, and are apparently just barely surviving. In Section B (same day) there was an article about Vietnamese American “leaders” who hope to build a $1-million monument honoring those who “fought for freedom” and died in the Vietnam War.

It seems to me that amount of money might be better spent helping those who also fought for freedom in that war and who are still living--barely.




* It is with sadness I read about the plight of the Vietnamese “political detainees” in Orange County. I also read the same day that “a group of Vietnamese American leaders announced plans to build a $1-million monument . . . that will honor all the people, both Vietnamese and American allies, who fought for freedom.”

It’s certainly a commendable idea and according to one of the leaders, “This is our way of saying thank you, America.”

I wonder, however, how many jobs this $1-million fund can generate if it can be invested wisely and profitably in the community.


This fund can be used to develop Little Saigon into a major tourist attraction, which will create many jobs that can be filled by the same “political detainees.”

Perhaps that is a more productive way to say “Thank you, America.”


