
Two celebrated Orson Welles Shakespeare films are...

Two celebrated Orson Welles Shakespeare films are on Bravo: the 1948 Macbeth (Sunday at noon and 9:05 p.m.; Monday at 9:30 a.m. and 2:35 p.m.) and the 1952 Othello (Sunday at 7:30 p.m., Monday at 1 p.m.)

Christine (Cinemax Monday at 12:45 a.m.) is a typically bravura--and typically excessive--John Carpenter film from Stephen King. It features a malevolent 1958 red-and-white Plymouth Fury that transforms the life of a klutzy high schooler (Keith Gordon, who is creepily effective).

Irma La Douce (TNT Monday at 10:45 p.m.): Here, Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond threw out all the songs from the French musical about a lovable prostitute, and then jettisoned much of the rest of the play as well. It becomes, in a weird way, a delightful 1963 dream reprise of “The Apartment” in a Hollywood “Gay Paree.” Starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine as a neurotic pimp and his impish knockout of an employee.
