
BURBANK : Explosive Materials Found at Residence

A Burbank man was arrested Tuesday after authorities responding to a report of domestic abuse found six cans of smokeless gunpowder and other explosive materials inside his home.

The materials, typically used to assemble pipe bombs, included a high-explosive blasting cap and six other caps to be fitted onto the ends of galvanized pipes, authorities said.

Although investigators are not exactly sure what Nathan Lee Woodward, 27, planned to do with the items, “he had all the makings of a pipe bomb,” said Burbank Police Sgt. Scott Wilson.


Woodward’s girlfriend reportedly summoned police to his home on the 1000 block of North Frederic Street after he allegedly struck her in the face and arms following an argument Monday night.

Police found gunpowder inside his home and notified the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, which sent explosives technicians to the scene.

Smokeless gunpowder is frequently used by target shooters to reload bullets. Blasting caps, however, are illegal to possess, Wilson said.


Woodward was arrested on suspicion of possessing explosive devices and inflicting corporal injury on a cohabitant. He was being held at the Burbank jail Tuesday in lieu of $500,000 bail.
