
Orange County Fans’ Choices

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks (Studio) (National) (National) Released 1. While You Were Sleeping (1) $174,757 16/$10,922 2 (Buena Vista) ($10.4 million) (1,907/$5,502) 2. Rob Roy (4) $53,799 18/$2,988 4 (M.G.M.) ($3.3 million) (1,885/$1,784) 3. Kiss of Death (7) $48,465 13/$3,728 2 (Fox) ($3 million) (1,627/$1,862) 4. Friday (2) $43,271 10/$4,327 1 (New Line) ($6.5 million) (865/$7,618) 5. Village of the Damned (5) $40,535 13/$3,118 1 (Universal) ($3.2 million) (1,890/$1,705)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exibitor Relations Co.
