
Valley College’s Gym for Disabled Students

* On April 30, a story appeared regarding the Disabled Students Programs and Services at Valley College. Several statements were misleading and need clarification.

The adapted physical education gym was opened in 1979 in response to the Federal Rehabilitation Act. It is designed to use the services of an adapted P.E. specialist, an instructor skilled in working with physically challenged students.

The fitness center, opened in 1990, is designed to improve cardiovascular functioning, muscle strength and endurance. The entire workout is completed in a fast-paced 38-minute cycle. While faculty are on hand to supervise the center, no individualized instruction is provided.


While there are differences in the two facilities, Mike Paravagna, the State Department of Rehabilitation official quoted in the article and contacted by the campus after the article appeared, indicated that the campus was not under investigation, nor did it appear that state or federal laws had been violated.

We are proud of our program, which serves more than 900 students, 140 of whom are enrolled in the adapted P.E. program. However, the complaint to The Times prompted us to review the program.

The complaint indicated that there are neither restrooms, showers, drinking fountains nor a telephone inside the P.E. gym. Although accessible restrooms, showers and drinking fountains are not located inside the small adapted P.E. room, they are located near the gym room and are within the parameters of state and federal guidelines. A cordless telephone is available for emergencies.


As the article indicated, the adapted P.E. gym is not air-conditioned, but neither is half the campus. Included in a campus Americans with Disabilities Act evaluation of March, 1994, was a recommendation for an air conditioner in the adapted P.E. gym. It was added to the current air-conditioning project and was given high-priority status.

The article incorrectly indicated that towels were not available to students using the adapted P.E. gym. Clean towels are available.

In response to the comment that the adapted P.E. gym equipment is 20 years old, some of the equipment, which has been modified specifically to meet the needs of the physically challenged students, is newer than equipment in the fitness center.


Finally, there is no campus policy that prohibits DSPS students from using the fitness center. Students who sign up for the fitness center class must attend an orientation and complete a fitness assessment. If a question arises from the assessment, the student is given a medical form to be completed by a physician. Over 25 of the DSPS students are enrolled in the adapted P.E. and fitness center programs.

Valley College is not only aware of and committed to serving the needs of students with disabilities, but also provides an outstanding program that has been a model for many other institutions.


Van Nuys

Sullivan is associate dean , Disabled Student Programs and Services, Valley College, Van Nuys.
