
Billboard on County Land Is Approved

Erecting a billboard on county-owned land along the Ventura Freeway doesn’t come cheap.

First, Studio City-based Martin Communications had to agree to give the county free advertising for the Channel Islands Harbor on the back side of the sign.

Then the firm agreed to take down three other billboards in locations elsewhere in Ventura County. Finally, it offered to let county officials use other sign space the firm owns.

With that deal in hand, supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a 10-year lease with Martin Communications for the billboard near Oxnard.


Officials estimated that over the term of the billboard lease, the county will receive more than $500,000 worth of free advertising, as well as lease revenues.

The 12-by-25-foot sign will be erected on land next to the freeway near the Del Norte Boulevard interchange. In exchange, Martin Communications has agreed to remove one sign in Oxnard and two others along California 33 near Ojai.
