
DANA POINT : Grunion Run to Be Celebrated Friday

The city will hold its fourth annual Doheny Grunion Night on Friday at Doheny State Beach, giving residents and visitors a chance to learn more about the mysterious fish that swarm on the beach every year by the thousands.

“We’re lucky to have this on our beaches,” said Edie Carhart, the park’s interpretive specialist. “It’s a unique experience.”

The event begins at 9:30 p.m., when park rangers will hold a 20-minute slide show at the Doheny Interpretive Center on the life cycle of the grunion. At 11:30 p.m., the official grunion run is expected to start, when hundreds of thousands of female grunion wriggle up on the beach and lay their eggs at the peak of high tide. Park officials said that although the grunion were punctual last year, visitors should not be surprised if the fish don’t show up on time.


“We guarantee every part of the program except the grunion themselves,” Carhart said.

Visitors can bring flashlights, warm clothing and beach chairs, as well as coat hangers to roast free marshmallows provided by the park. Grunion fishing is allowed, but visitors must be 16 or older and have a California fishing license. Admission is free. Information: (714) 496-6172.
