
San Gabriel Valley : Developer Fined in Campaign Scheme

A Monterey Park developer has been fined $6,500 by the state Fair Political Practices Commission for laundering campaign contributions to Monterey Park Councilwoman Judy Chu.

Karen Au, a partner of Eagle International development company, admitted in a statement to the FPPC that she had violated state election law.

In April, 1992, Au attended a fund-raising dinner for Chu’s reelection bid and made a $99 contribution in her own name while reimbursing four of her employees for making identical contributions. Au violated state election laws by making contributions in the name of others and disguising the real source, FPPC officials said. Her company had commercial and residential projects pending in Monterey Park between 1990 and 1992.


Chu says she had no knowledge of the illegal contributions. “All I know is she attended the event, and she contributed,” Chu said. “At events, a lot of people will contribute. You don’t know why or how the check comes.”
