
Westside : THERE’S THE RUB

When former West Hollywood massage parlor owner Hal Mintz pleaded no contest in 1988 to conspiracy to maintain a house of prostitution and tax evasion, the resulting scandal ended his career as a professor at East Los Angeles College.

Now, his past has come back to haunt him.

After learning only recently of Mintz’s West Hollywood experience, officials at Pasadena City College--where the professor has quietly taught business law part time for three years--say he will not be invited back next semester.

Mintz, 63, could not be reached for comment.

He was sentenced to four years probation after authorities in 1988 closed his massage parlor. At least 10 women were arrested there for sex-related offenses.


College President Jack Scott said that since Mintz had pleaded no contest to the conspiracy charge, he did not lie when he wrote on a job application in 1993 that he had never been convicted of a felony.

“Still,” Scott said, “[the plea arrangement] is the kind of thing we would have appreciated knowing.”
