
Central Los Angeles : BETTER LATE

One stop in Pico-Union could help residents get a better grip on problems caused by the Northridge earthquake.

The city’s Community Development Department recently opened the Pico-Union Earthquake Recovery Community Service Center.

The center, at 2500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1224, is one of six centers opened by the department to help residents deal with long-term problems.


Many families remain devastated by the January, 1994, quake.

Officials say the center is for anyone who still needs to find permanent housing, has had trouble finding new work, is still suffering from post-quake mental trauma or has any other social service needs.

The center offers referrals, job training and counseling.

“When you have a disaster, at first the community pulls together, but later you have a lot of disillusionment,” said Gloria Clark, director of the department’s Human Services and Neighborhood Development Division.

“We’ll work to make sure they have all the necessary things to get their lives back together. . . . “
