
DOING OUR PART: The Valley out-recycles other...

DOING OUR PART: The Valley out-recycles other parts of Los Angeles, keeping an average of 33.7% of its trash out of landfills, says David Mays of the city’s curbside recycling program. The West Valley recycles the most--43.9%. Recycling helps the city comply with a 1990 state law that requires a 25% reduction in waste by this year and a 50% reduction by the year 2000.

RECYCLE YOUR YARD: The Valley--35% of L. A’s population--produces 54% of the city’s yard trimmings. On average, each Valley household puts 34 pounds a week in those green containers. The yard waste is shipped to the San Joaquin Valley, composted, then sold to Angelenos as TOPGRO, L. A.’s Own Compost.

1 BILLION SERVED: Hy (The Earthworm King) Hunter, above, has encouraged people to let worms handle household waste for 63 years. Now, he’s contracted with Ray & Sons Solid Waste Recycling Yard in Santa Clarita to turn 1,000 tons of ground-up garbage a day into “Wormalizer.” The project will use 3,600 acres in the Antelope Valley and 1 billion worms.


PAPER INTO MONEY: Next month, recyclers can start putting all kinds of paper--not just newsprint--in their recycling bins. “That has the potential to double or triple the amount of material we’re collecting,” says Mark Miodovski, marketing director for the city’s recycling and planning division.

DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH: Los Angeles’ 500,000 apartments don’t get curbside recycling service . . . yet. Program manager Lupe Vela says the city’s Integrated Solid Waste Management Office is looking into how to handle apartment recycling, starting with a small pilot program in October. “Looking at other cities trying to do it, all of them have had problems--not because it isn’t a good thing to do, but because of the logistics,” she says. Once a collection method is developed, it will probably take five years to implement citywide. Now, ISWMO keeps a list of recycling centers in every neighborhood. Call: (213) 237-1444.
