
IN THE GREEN: When supporters of Interface...

IN THE GREEN: When supporters of Interface Children, Family Services sought a way to fund a new shelter and transitional house for battered women, they decided that a women’s golf tournament might fill the bill. . . . And they were right--the tourney this week attracted 60 women, who took clinics from teaching pros as well as playing each other. . . . Interface plans to do it again, staffer Chris Rutter said, adding that the event, which raised more than $5,000, appealed to some women who might be intimidated by the idea of playing in mixed tournaments.

GIMME SHELTER: When Interface’s new shelter opens in the next few weeks, it will give the nonprofit group two, each capable of housing three or four women and more than a dozen children at a time for up to 30 days. . . . The shelters, one in the west county and one in the east, are badly needed, Rutter said. “In the past year, our calls from battered women have doubled.” . . . Interface also plans to open a transitional living home at the beginning of the year and will continue doing preventive work, such as school workshops on dating violence.

THE END IS NEAR: Nearly a year after Chancellor Thomas Lakin died, Ventura Community College trustees are zeroing in on a replacement (B1). . . . After the board interviewed the top candidates, Trustee Allan Jacobs said that although one appeared stronger, the board liked all three men. “We are looking for someone who can walk on water, and these are all very strong candidates,” Jacobs said. “So it’s going to be a tough decision.”
