
Bridges, Not Walls, Will Net Solutions

* Re: “Maybe It’s Time We All Worked as a Team to Right the Ship” (Op-Ed, Oct. 22) by Connie Haddad and Jean Askham. I truly agree with their thoughtful reflections and observations about Orange County and our nation. It’s time we all got involved in politics and the home front.

There are no simple solutions to the major financial woes facing Orange County and our country. As they pointed out so clearly, the anti-tax, anti-government mood in the country is not helpful to anyone. The indifference toward the political arena doesn’t solve anything. I completely agree with them [that] the most disturbing trend that we face is our growing hostility toward any sense of a community. It is time we got together on important issues facing us. To paraphrase an old saying, “Walls divide and conquer, we need to build bridges and work together.” Let’s work together today so that when we begin the next century, everything will be better for each of us.


Buena Park
