
In Appreciation of Dedicated Teachers

* At a time when we evaluate different situations such as Bosnia, Medicare, the Million Man March, the O.J. Simpson trial, we should appreciate some of the wonderful teachers who have kept going, as dedicated as ever, to teach our children the ABCs.

My wife has been a teacher for more than 20 years. She usually works about two extra hours after school is closed, and there is seldom a day out of seven that she does not work at home on school-related matters. All the extra time is really not compensated financially as in other employment.

I occasionally see some of the students’ homework, and I am surprised at their abilities. Her school is bilingual, but the students are making progress nevertheless.


I have been against bilingual education for years, but now my thinking is that a person knowing two languages could definitely be a major asset in the future global economy.

My wife tells me that there are good teachers at her school who are dedicated and motivated. They should receive our admiration for their work.


Sherman Oaks
