
No Area Safe From Vandalism, Graffiti

A park employee at the Wildwood Soccer field pointed out a damaged plastic wastebasket to me on a recent jog around the field. The park employee then pointed out to me a wall on one of the restrooms which was freshly painted. The employee explained to me that the fresh paint covered some newly placed graffiti underneath.

A heavy stone bench near the tennis courts was lifted from its moorings about two weeks ago and tipped sideways on the basketball court. Another park attendant explained to me that skateboarders were apparently responsible for this mischief so they could practice skate maneuvers. About a month ago the tennis courts had lights shot out and the remains of a burned blanket marred the courts.

I was also informed vandals had scaled the fence to the Borchard Community Center maintenance compound and smashed the windshields of parked trucks and had caused extensive damage to a newly purchased truck.


The FBI has characterized our community as one of the safest in the country. I’m beginning to wonder how they came to their assessment.


Newbury Park
