
Cadillacs for Sale

Commendation is due to new Assembly Speaker Curt Pringle for selling former Speaker Willie Brown’s three Cadillac limos (Jan. 12). Brown bought these cars in 1994, with taxpayer funds, while raising state college tuition and cutting health care for the poor.


Los Angeles


* Newly anointed Speaker Pringle and his right-wing cronies staged a media event, displaying his “sensible” Dodge next to Brown’s three state-purchased Cadillacs. His spin was to compare the “limousine liberal” Democrats to the frugal real-friends-of-the-poor Republicans. A few days earlier, this same bunch announced their intention to begin fixing our state’s financial woes by attacking the very heart of the problem, the dreaded Medi-Cal funding of abortions for poor and indigent women.

I guess in this election year, I shouldn’t let anything the hypocritical Republicans do surprise me. Their brethren in Congress have already spent over $25 million of our tax dollars “investigating” the Clintons’ alleged $80,000 Whitewater investments. What’s next, gentlemen?



Aliso Viejo
