The Latest Buzz : ‘Killer Bees’ on the Way--Still--but No Need to Panic : Bee-ware
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Africanized honey bees are expected to arrive in Orange County sometime this year. The Africanized bee is no more venomous than the common European bee and looks almost identical. The newcomers, however, are more aggressive and can attack in massive swarms.
To protect your home:
* Inspect the eaves and walls outside your home for possible nests.
* Seal openings larger than 1/8-inch in walls and around chimneys and plumbing. * Install fine screens over tops of rain spouts, vents and openings in water meters and utility boxes.
* From spring to fall, check once or twice a week for bees entering or leaving the same area of your home or yard.
If you are stung:
* Get to a safe area.
* Remove stinger as soon as possible.
* Don’t squeeze stinger; pressure will release more venom.
* Scrape stinger out with fingernails, knife or credit card.
* Wash sting area with soap and water.
* Apply ice to relieve pain and swelling.
* Seek medical attention if breathing is troubled, for multiple stings, or if allergic to bee stings.
Source: Orange County Vector Control District.