
A Race of Competing Conservatives

One of the most contested primary races in the county is taking place in the 71st Assembly District, where five Republicans are vying to replace Assemblyman Mickey Conroy (R-Orange), who is leaving office because of term limits.


Measure S: Would repeal plans for a commercial airport at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.


Gun Control: Including right to carry concealed weapons


Jim Beam

Age: 61

Residence: Orange

Family: Married, three children, six grandchildren

Education: Graduate, Orange High School

Occupation: Owner, real estate development firm

Background: Orange native and former mayor; former president, Orange County Chamber of Commerce; member county Republican Central Committee for 25 years



Measure S: Opposed. “If all this measure did was overturn Measure A I would support it, but philosophically, I’m opposed to ballot box planning. We need to return to the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, which has the local cities in their proper place at the planning table.”

Abortion: “I’m completely pro-life. I always have been.”

Gun Control: “I have a written endorsement from the NRA [National Rifle Assn.] so that tells you how I feel. I’m very much anti-gun control. I’m for easing licensing requirements for carrying concealed weapons.”


Bill Campbell

Age: 53

Residence: Villa Park

Family: Married, three grown sons

Education: Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Loyola Marymount; master’s degree in business, Harvard


Occupation: President and owner of Bema Corp.; operates 12 Taco Bell franchises

Background: Member of Lincoln Club and international board of the Young Presidents Organization; former chair of Parents’ Guild of Mater Dei High School.


Measure S: Supports. “I’m concerned about the base being forced into an airport usage. I think we need to find the highest and best use. . . . Maybe a high-tech industrial park that would create jobs. I want to make sure the people who live around the airport are adequately protected.”

Abortion: “I’m pro-life all the way. The government should not be funding abortions. I’d like to see Roe vs. Wade overturned.”


Gun Control: “My fundamental position is I support the Second Amendment. I also support making it easier for getting concealed weapon permits than it is today.”


Steve Cardona

Age: 39

Residence: Tustin

Family: Married

Education: Bachelor’s degree in economics, UCLA; master’s degree in business administration, USC

Occupation: Businessman/ management consultant

Background: Member of Lincoln Club, California State Legislature’s Manufacturers Caucus Advisory Board and Orange County Business Council Legislative Committee


Measure S: Supports. “I’m for finding the highest and best use for the site, which to me involves finding what creates the greatest number of high-paying jobs. That’s probably not an airport.”

Abortion: “I’m pro-life and against government funding for any abortion. I’m Catholic and I grew up that way. I would consider abortions only in the case of a life-threatening situation with the mother, incest or a rape.”

Gun Control: “I’m against gun control. I don’t think guns are the problem. The problem is, liberal legislators and liberal judges are letting criminals out on the street. When we get conservative legislators and judges, I think we won’t have the need for all the guns.”



Richard T. Dixon

Age: 47

Residence: Lake Forest

Family: Divorced; father of two sons, grandfather of two

Education: Glendale Community College, Glendale, Ariz.

Occupation: Self-employed health insurance broker

Background: Mayor of Lake Forest and council member since 1991; member, Lake Forest Chamber of Commerce and Saddleback Valley board of directors of the American Heart Assn.


Measure S: Supports “I’m running my campaign in tandem with the Yes on S campaign. Measure A had kidnapped the planning process and Measure S will bring it back.”

Abortion: “I’m pro-choice but I’m against abortion. It’s not my responsibility to inflict my morals on others.”

Gun Control: “I don’t believe in gun control per se; it’s an invasion of an individual’s rights. However, I don’t see the need for Saturday night specials or military-style assault weapons. As far as legislation to ease restrictions on carrying concealed weapons, I understand the police officers’ associations were against it, so I would be too.”


Larry F. Sternberg

Age: 68

Residence: Tustin

Family: Married; two grown children, two grandchildren

Education: Graduate, UCLA

Occupation: Chief financial officer, BIS Computer Solutions

Background: Past president of Tustin unit of California Republican Assembly; U.S. Navy veteran; member of Toastmasters for 26 years


Measure S: Supports. “I don’t believe in ballot box planning. I think this requires more economic analysis and input from those most affected by an airport.”


Abortion: “I’m against abortion, but I don’t think the government should be involved, so I don’t qualify for the pro-life position. We should maximize the opportunities for adoption and get the word out that abortions are bad things to do.”

Gun Control: “This is not a hot issue for me. If people have proper training in handling firearms, they should be allowed to carry concealed weapons. I think they should go through a certain number of hours of training.”

Source: Individual candidates; Researched by LEN HALL / Los Angeles Times
